German A. Hour Examination Thursday, Nov. 15, at 9 o'clock, in Massachusetts Hall.
There is an article in the Sunday Herahl on Dr. Sargent's system of physical training.
A. B. Brown, M. S., has been appointed physical examiner of a gymnasium in New York city.
J. J. Thomas, M. S., has been appointed assistant house officer of the City Hospital.
W. B. Eaton has been elected captain of the Wesleyan foot-ball team in place of G. E. Manchester, resigned.
The candidates for the University of Pennsylvania crew commenced rowing on the machines a few days ago.
Over sixty men have joined the Hare and Hounds Club at Princeton. Runs are held every Monday and Saturday.
The Glee Club has had invitations from Lowell, Sharon, Newton, Water-town and Newton Center.
The University of Pennsylvania anxious to have M. Coquelin lecture there when he visits Philadelphia.
Dr. J. Leland Miller, of Sheffield, Mass., has given $40,000 to Williams College to found a professorship of American History, Literature and Eloquence. There is no such professorship at present in any college in this country.
The Amherst Student and the "Lit." have commenced a crusade against compulsory church and chapel attendance.
By a rule at Williams neither the home nor the visiting foot ball team is allowed to use the gymnasium after the games.
The students at Ann Arbor have petitioned the legislature to prohibit the sale of liquors within five miles of the University.
The Rev. Henry A. Parker, '64, will address the St. Paul's Society next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Parker was one of the founders of the society.
The senior class of Princeton will entertain the visitors who attend the Harvard Princeton game on Saturday by a "Senior Assembly." This is a new social feature and its success will determine whether it shall become permanent. The following men have been elected as Assembly Committee: Alexander, Belknap, Conniver, Edwards, Emans, Jenney, Kneeland, Faxton, Rollius, Shrady, Stebbens, Uebelacker; chairman, Waters.
An "All American" foot-ball eleven made up of college graduates, has been formed in Chicago. The players are as follows: Rushers.- Farwell, Yale; Lockwood, Columbia; Ives, Harvard; Carse, Williams; Bickham, Princeton; Lamb (captain). Yale; Harlan, Princeton; Hubbard, Harvard; Hamlin, Yale; Waller, Princeton. Quarter-back.- B. Hamlin, Yale. Half-backs.- Eldridge, Yale; Crawford, Yale; Cowling. Harvard. Full-back.- Lyman, Yale.
Several of Princeton's strong players have lately been disabled, and the college is feeling much discouraged over the prospect of the championship games. Mowry, one of their new half-backs, who promised to do so well, has been ill for some time, and will not be able to play again this season. Hodge, on the end of the rush line, was bruised in the game with Wesleyan on Tuesday, and is incapacitated. On Friday,Ivine had an old hurt renewed in a practice gam and probably will not come out again.
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