Dr. Brooks preached his second Sunday evening sermon at Appleton Chapel before a very large audience. His text was "Demonstration of the Spirit," I Corinthians; 2:4. The speaker said that there are various kinds of demonstrations which are governed by the nature of the teacher, of the leader, and by the message itself. We have demonstrations in mathematics in which authority and reason are our own teachers, while in the demonstrations of the spirit no authority or arguments can be sufficient for us, because our souls cannot be touched except by the spirit. Every mind requires demonstrations according to its own nature, and only God knows our inner natures, and can respond to our demands.
In earthly demonstrations arguments are convincing, but these do not always suffice to carry Chrint's message, and, in that case we can best show the Truth through our lives of pureness and goodness. Let us live so that we can say, "I have added to the glorification of God."
During the service the following anthems were well rendered by the choir: "Magnificat," by Martin; "God is Love," Shelley; "Blessed be the Man," Knox.
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