
Andover, 10; Exeter, 0.

The annual Andover-Exeter football game was played at Andover on Saturday. The conditions were not at all favorable to a good game, but it proved to be one of the most stubbornly fought contests in the history of interscholastic football. For thirty-five minutes after the game began, the ball stayed near the centre of the field. Both teams played a hard game but they were so evenly matched that neither could gain any appreciable advantage. At last a fumble by one of Andover's backs allowed Stickney to secure the ball with a clear field before him. He started for Andover's goal line hotly pursued by Bliss, who overtook and downed him about five yards from the line. The Andover eleven now rallied strongly and prevented Exeter's scoring the coveted touchdown. Four times did the Exeter rushers hurl themselves in vain against the Andover line, and then having failed to advance the ball the requisite five yards, forfeited it to Andover. Andover now tried the old "criss cross" trick, and Bliss, after having eluded the whole Exeter eleven rushed almost the entire length of the field, scoring a touch downfor Andover, from which a goal was kicked. Almost immediately afterwards time was called and the first half ended with the score 6 to 0 in favor of Andover. In the second half, Andover forced the playing and kept the ball in Exeter's territory. A short time before the end of the game, Upton secured the second touchdown for Andover. No goal. The game ended with the score 10 to 0 in Andover's favor. For Andover, Bliss, Upton and Gilbert did the best work; for Exeter, Stickney and Barbour. The teams were made up as follows:

Andover.- Hunt, Mowry, Coxe, Speer, Upton, Townsend, Gilbert; quarter-back, Owsley; half-backs, C. D. Bliss and L. T. Bliss; full-back, Sprague.

Exeter.- Hill, Bardwell, Stickney, Beattie, Furman, Erskine, Heffelfinger; quarter-back, Barbour; half-backs, Morse, Graves; full-back, Trafford.

Umpire, Mr. Finney, of Princeton; Referee, W. I. Badger, of Boston.


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