

THE '89 crew will row this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

F. E. PARKER.LOST. A rubber drum-cover. Will the finder please return it to 45 Thayer.

ALL men belonging to the "bones" corps must be in front of the gym. at 7.30 tonight.

LOST. Four nickle plated drum braces. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at M. 18.

All men who intend to march in the bone corps must sign at once for special uniforms at Brine's.


THERE will be a meeting of the polo club tonight at 7 o'clock sharp, in the rooms No. 2 Brattle St.

SHOOTINO CLUB. Field meeting today at Watertown. Take 1.30 car if possible. Last day of present series of matches.

THERE will be a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association this evening at 6.45 in Lawrence Hall. All students are invited.

CANDIDATES for the Freshman Banjo Club meet Friday Nov. 2 at 7 p. m. at 16 Holyoke St. Guitars included. Bring instruments.

HARVARD BANJO CLUB.DR. SARGENT will be in his office on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 2 till 4 p m., to examine men who wish to enter in fall handicap meeting.

JACOB WENDELL, Sec. H. A. A.DRUM Corps must sign at Brine's for uniforms before eleven o'clock today. We want more picolos. Meet at gymnasium at 7 o'clock sharp.

ROBT. F. HERRICK.H. L. A. All candidates for the University lacrosse team or for the freshman lacrosse team will be on Holmes Field this (Thursday) afternoon at 4.15 p. m. and every afternoon at the same time. New men can find sticks, etc., at 11 Stoughton.

