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If there is any sport here at Harvard which deserves support and which is on the contrary shamefully neglected, it is lacrosse. Year after year the twelve has won its championship, sometimes the only team to come back victorious. and instead of receiving the hearty praise due, has been coldly passed by. There must be a change. We cannot in these days of scanty champioships afford to give up a single chance. We must have the lacrosse championship next year, and to do it we must begin practice at once; every day is precious. Princeton, eager for the prize, has been working hard all the fall. There is no better opening for new material than on this team. We call upon all men who care at all for our lacrosse honors to go out and play the rest of the fall. Freshmen especially should try the game. Who knows what new material may be developel? And if men cannot be aroused by an appeal to their patriotism, perhaps the promise of a healthful exercise and a fine game may offer an attraction.
