
Meeting of the Board of Overseers.

The adjourned meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University was held yesterday at No. 50, State St., Boston. The Board concurred in the following appointments made by the President and fellows: Frederick L. Ames to be a fellow of the corporation in place of Francis Parkman, resigned; James R. Wheeler, instructor in Greek and Latin for 1888-89; and Frank W. Nicholson, instructor in Sanscrit. Prof. Joseph Lovering, LL. D., was appointed Hollis professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, emeritus in consideration of his valuable services to the college for the past 52 years.

The Board also concurred in the following committee on the regulation of athletic sports: Prof. Charles F. Dunbar, Professor William E. Byerly and asst. Prof. Albert B. Hart of the Faculty, Henry P. Walcott, M. D., William Hooper, A. B., and George B. Morison, A. B., of the graduates.

The overseers voted to request the committee on government "to consider and report promptly to the board upon the advisability of making attendance at daily prayers, or at roll-call, for those who do not wish to attend prayers, compulsory; also upon the advisability of making attendance upon recitations and lectures compulsory, and to report whether in their opinion any further action is necessary in regard to the general rules affecting discipline and studies in the university; and it was also voted to request the dean of the faculty to aid them with reports of attendance at college exercises.
