DR. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, the world famed specialist in mind diseases, says: "I am familiar with various systems for improving the mind, including, among others, those of Feinaigle, Gourand and Dr. Pick, and I have recently become acquainted with the system in all its details and applications taught by Prof. Loisette. I am therefore enabled to state that his is, in all its essential features, entirely original; that its principles and methods are different from all others, and that it presents no material analogies to that of any other system.
I consider Prof. Loisette's is to be a new departure in the education of the memory and attention, and of very great value; that it being a systematic body of principles and methods, it should be studied as an entirety to be understood and appreciated; that a correct view of it cannot be obtained by examining isolated-passages of it."
WILLIAN A. HAMMOND.New York, July 10, 1888.
UPRIGHT PIANOS for sale or to rent to students at the New Music Store, 3 Harvard Row. oct. 2 3w
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William L. Chase '76.