The result of last week's tournament is to make P. S. Sears and R. D. Brown, in singles, and Sears and Shaw, Tailer and Chase, in doubles, Harvard's representatives at the intercollegiate tennis tournament which begins to-day at New Haven. Considerable new and excellent material has appeared recently. Brown, Tallant and Chase, a brother of the Western champion, have all proved their proficiency in the game. W. Lee was unfortunately unable to enter the tournament in singles. Q. A. Shaw has not played of late up to his usual standard, except in doubles. Harvard's delegation will be forced to work harder than ever to retain the championship. The finest players whom they will meet are the Columbia men, O. S. Campbell, Valentine G. Hall, A. E. Wright, formerly of Trinity, and Hurd, of Yale. The prizes will be, for first in singles, a large silver bowl of antique design, and for second, a silver tankard ornamented with embossed figures. Tall iron lamps will be given to the winners in doubles, and to the seconds, cut glass decanters with silver tops.
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