THE CAMBRIDGE DAILY.- Cambridge has, at last, what has long been needed, a first-class local evening paper, called THE CAMBRIDGE DAILY. It has been running for about six weeks, and is now well established. It is well filled with all the local news, of which it prints from three to six columns a day. One of its strong features is its "notes and comments," which are very bright and spicy. It has a Harvard correspondent, who proposes to furnish all the college news. All the new dealers have it.
TABLE BOARD two blocks from college yard between Harvard and Main. First-class board for two or three students. 21 Trowbridge St. sept27 1w
FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD at Mrs. Morgan's, 97 Mt. Auburn street. General table board, $7.00 per week. o1 1w
HAVING secured the services of a former steward of the A. D. Club, Mrs. Metcalf is prepared to arrange for two or three club tables, and trusts to give satisfaction to those desiring a good table and service. Also a few rooms. 18 Precott St., Cambridge. spt28 1w
UPRIGHT PIANOS for sale or to rent to students at the New Music Store, 3 Harvard Row. oct.2 3w
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