Dr. Peabody in his remarks at prayers Saturday morning took occasion to say that the preachers to the University feel more than ever encouraged in their work this year, because it seems to them that there has been a distinct increase in the interest of the students in the religious services of the college. There was certainly a noticeable increase in the number of men present at prayers last week and few services have been held in Appleton Chapel more impressive and earnest than the opening Sunday services a week ago. Dr. Peabody and his associates have reason for renewed conviction as to the wisdom of our religious system. With the experience of two years behind us, we know that the bright outlook for the coming winter will not be falsified. Mr. Locke has strengthened the chapel choir by the addition of new members and the volume and tone of the boy's voices have greatly improved. There is no danger that the music will fall below its usual high standard.
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