HIGHEST PRICES PAID for cast off clothing. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gents' Clothing. Call or send postal to 465 Main St, Cambridgeport.
WILLIAM H. BROWN. oct3 eodLOST.-STUDY TABLE.- A plain walnut study table mis-delivered last Saturday. Will any one knowing of its whereabouts please inform
W. H. CARRUTH, 2t 36 Trowbridge St.TO RENT.- Chickering Grand Piano in good condition, cheap.
05-2t 96 Brattle St.
TABLE BOARD at No. 10 Remington street, near Beck Hall. Best of references given. sept28 1w
A GRADUATE desires to tutor in Greek and Latin. Please call at 8 1-2 Antrim street. sept29 1w
A LIMITED number of table boarders wanted at 715 Cambridge St. GOOD BOARD GUARANTEED. Terms $5.50 per week. Also two furnished rooms to let. Terms moderate. oct3-1w
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H. A. A. Meeting.