SUBSCRIPTIONS to the CRIMSON will be received at Leavitt and Peirce's and at Amee's. The price is $3.50, payable strictly in advance.
ALL men who wish to try for the foot-ball eleven, and all those who have played football before, are asked to be on the field at 4 o'clock sharp today.
J. H. SEARS.CANDIDATES for the freshmen eleven will please meet on Jarvis Field at 3 o'clock today, promptly.
J. H. SEARS.NINETY-ONE CLASS MEETING this evening at 7 in Upper Massachusetts.
H. U. B. C.- There will be meeting of the club tonight at 8 o'clock in 41 Weld.
R. S. BALDWIN.ALL candidates for the freshman nine will meet on Holmes Field this afternoon at 4 in uniform.
C. W. CADY, Captain.LOST-Between Beck Hall and Jarvis Field, silver pocket corkscrew, from Edwards, New York. Reward given if returned to Leavitt and Peirce.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- The trial of candidates for the orchestra will take place Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 7.30, and not Friday, as advertised. Candidates will please bring instruments and solos.
A. P. HEBARD.HARVARD CRICKET CLUB.- The following men will please be at Bartlett's at 11.55 a. m., sharp, on Saturday, to go to Medford: Ellis, Balch, Longstreth, Garrett, Sullivan, Quimby, Bohlen, Dexter, Frost, Keyes.
R. D. BROWN, Captain.
Read more in News
H. A. A. Meeting.