

DRUM CORPS. Meeting for practice in Holmes'field at 7 o'clock. Sign at once at Brine's for special uniform.

R. F. HERRICK.The Eleven will play Technology on Jarvis Field this afternoon at 3.45, instead of on the Union grounds as advertised.

The bone corps will meet for practice tonight in front of the gymnasium at 7.30.

BICYCLE CLUB. There will be a run this afternoon over the provisional course for the road race. Start from university at 4 p. m. sharp.

G. H. MERRILL.DR. SARGENT will be in his office on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 2 till 4 p m., to examine men who wish to enter in fall handicap meeting.


JACOB WENDELL, Sec. H. A. A.ENTRIES for 'varsity handicap meeting will close on Friday at 4 p. m. instead of 10 p. m., as posted.

JACOB WENDELL, Sec. H. A. A.The following men will meet at Leavitt and Pierce's this afternoon at 1.15 sharp, to take the train for Andover: Curtis, Newell, Travis, Hunt, Heard, Allen, Schoen, Wrenn, Harding, Lockett, Wadsworth, Baker, Forbes and Berry.

M. F. BROOKS, Capt.SYMPHONY CONCERT USHERS are requested to meet the chief usher at Sanders Theatre today between 1.30 and 2 p. m. Tickets will be distributed and positions assigned. E. R. SHIPPEN.

The republicans of Cambridge invite the republicans of the university to take part in the demonstration of Saturday evening. It is desired that a battalion of 100 men be formed to march in the line. A blue book has been placed at Bartlett's for the signature of those men who wish to join in the parade. The drum corps of Harvard men has signified its willingness to head the battalion.
