

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal to-night in Roberts Hall at 7.30 P. M.

W. F. GAY, Sec'y.ADVOCATE.- There will be a meeting of the editors in 15 Thayer tonight at 7 o'clock.

C. HUNNEMAN, Sec'y.Ushers for the Coquelin lecture will be in their places in Sanders Theatre this afternoon at 3.15 prompt.

A meeting of the Alpha Sigma Sigma Society will be held tonight at 54 College House.

BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.FRESHMEN practice football at 3 o'clock sharp. Leteveryone be on hand. There were not enough men yesterday to form two elevens.


M. F. BROOKS.Drum Corps meets at Gymnasium at 7.45 this evening. We want two or three more men who can play a D picolo, 2 or three more cornets, and about 8 more snare drummers.

ROBT. F. HERRICK.PIERIAN SODALITY. Candidates for the position of tenor trombone, alto trombone and bass tuba will be tried at 16 Weld on Wednesday, Oct. 31, between 7 and 8 P. M. Instruments will be hired for the successful candidates.

BICYCLE! ROAD RACE. There will be a bicycle run today at 4 p. m, over a new course which may be selected for the road race. It is desired that all the contestants attend in order to give their opinion about the desirability of the course. Start from gymnasium.

MATH. G. Hour examination, Thursday, Nov. 1 at 10 o'clock in Sever 37.

MATH. D.- Hour examination, Fridry, Nov. 2 at 11 o'clock in Sever 37.

TORCHLIGHT PARADE.- In order to give those who have not yet signed for uniforms for the Torchlight Parade an opportunity to do so, the blue-books at Brine's will be kept open until Friday evening. The uniforms will be given out on application at Brine's on Saturday and Monday.

