
Yale's New Gymnasium.

For several years past the need of a new gymnasium has been strongly felt at Yale. The size of the present building is wholly inadequate to the ever-increasing wants of the college. The apparatus, though of the latest pattern is not in sufficient quantity to warrant many students exercising at the same time. Dissatisfaction with the present state of affairs has resulted in the raising of a fund for the erection of a new gymnasium, which is to be larger than the old and to be centrally located. Professor Richards, who has the collection of funds in charge, has announced that although he has met with almost universal support in his application for assistance, still there is scarcely enough money collected to allow the competition among builders to begin. The alumni of the college have interested themselves in the matter with favorable results. The association of the New York alumni has shown itself particularly active in soliciting subscriptions.

The corporation, at a meeting last June adopted the following resolution:

"Resolved, That whenever the necessary means are provided for the erection of a suitable gymnasium for the use of the students, this corporation will be prepared to give a suitable lot for the purpose."

The willingness on the part of the corporation is a most favorable sign. President Dwight is said to be in full sympathy with the movement,
