
Special Notices.

TABLE BOARD at No. 10 Remington street, near Beck Hall. Best of references given. sept28 1w

A GRADUATE desires to tutor in Greek and Latin. Please call at 8 1-2 Antrim street. sept29 1w

HIGHEST PRICES PAID for cast off clothing. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gents' Clothing. Call or send postal to 465 Main St, Cambridgeport.


A LIMITED number of table boarders wanted at 715 Cambridge St. GOOD BOARD GUARANTEED. Terms $5.50 per week. Also two furnished rooms to let. Terms moderate. oct3-1w


TO LET- A large, front, alcove room. furnished, either with or without board; bath-room; hot and cold water in the house. Short distance from Memorial Hall. Terms reasonable. 712 Cambridge street. o3 1t

UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED ROOMS to let at very low figures. Apply 12 Oxford street. o3 1t
