B. A. Whittemore, '91, has returned to college.
Changes in electives can be made today.
There are now 140 men on the Memorial Hall waiting list.
The freshmen will hold their class meeting this afternoon in Massachusetts 3.
G. C. Adams, '86, and C. F, Adams, 2d, '88, sailed for Europe last Saturday on the Pavonia.
Ames, who played half-back for Princeton last year, will be unable to return to college for the present on account of the illness of his father.
George Harding, quarter-back of the Exeter eleven of last year, who is expected to play with the 'varsity this year, has not begun practice yet.
William Byrd Page, the great high jumper of the U. of P., has announced his intention to withdraw permanently from the athletic field.
Returns have been received from the following examinations to make up conditions:-Elementary English, Greek, Latin, German, French, history, algebra, geometry; Advanced-Greek, Latin, Greek composition, Latin composition, German, French, trigonometry, solid geometry, and analytic geometry.
The Exonian of Phillips Exeter Academy is now issued semi-weekly, and the price reduced to five cents percopy.
At a meeting of the newly elected Yale Junior Promenade Committee, Mr. McClintock was chairman and Mr. Phelps floor manager.
The M. I. T. eleven play with the recently organized Gentlemen of Boston team on the Union grounds this afternoon.
Wurtemburg of Yale is to take Beecher's place at quarterback. He played three years in that position at Exeter.
The series of class base ball games played at Princeton this fall have netted the baseball association the sum of $241.
There are three hundred and twenty-five students at Exeter, and about the same number at Phillips Academy, Andover.
Finlay, '91, was elected an honorary member of the Institute of 1770 with the second ten from the sophomore class.
At the Y. M. C. A. Athletic meeting Saturday, Davenport, '90, won the half mile run, and Priest, '91, took second place in both 100 yards and 220 yards dashes.
The meeting held last night by members of last year's nine to elect a captain for the ensuing year was postponed on account of the non-attendance of Messrs. Mumford, Campbell and Gallivan.
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