DAILY CRIMSON.- There are several old files of the CRIMSON for sale, $3.50 each, at McNamee's, 418 Harvard street.
SENIORS AND JUNIORS can obtain copies of the Forensic pamphlet at U. 5.
HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- The regular rehearsal will be held tomorrow evening at 7.30 instead of tonight.
G. C. BULLARD.ALL men who desire to play the bones in the parade are requested to meet at nine this evening in 3 Holworty.
A few good seats for M. Coquelin's lecture can be obtained today between 4 and 5 in 39 Grays. Admission tickets can also be had.
PHIL. XI.- Members of the course who wish to go with Dr. Peabody to South Boston will meet at car station, Harvard Square, at 1 p. m. Monday.
ADAMS ACADEMY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION,-The regular annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 30th, at 12.30, at the Academy Building. All who have ever been connected with the school are invited to attend.
THE following men will please be at the boat house, ready to row, at 3 o'clock, to try for sophomore crew: Everett, Rogers, Amory, W. Weld, Garsean, Clark, Codman, Osgood.
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A Harvard Hero.