
Fact and Rumor.

There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board at 1.30 today.

"The Harvard Cuckoos" have challenged "Table 11" to friendly game of football.

The oral examinations in History 12 will be held in U. 20. All men men are requested to be on hand promptly at their appointed times.

Oxford University now proposes to follow the example of Cambridge and admit women to the final classical examinations.

The Rev. Prof. Nash, of the Cambridge Theological School, will address the St. Paul's Society next Wednesday evening.


The Exonian urges the graduates of Exeter now at Harvard to form an Exeter Club similar to the one at Yale which is in a flourshing condition.

The Yale Athletic Association has decided to hold hare and hounds twice every week, in order to keep the longdistance runners in training and bring out new men.

The Harvard Bicycle Club has challenged the Technology club to a team road race, giving them choice of course, distance, and number of competitors. The date proposed is Nov. 11.

Rev. Francis G. Peabody, D. D., is to be one of the preachers at a series of four Sunday evening services, to be held at the Globe theatre, under the auspices of the Channing club.

There is an attempt on foot to organize a bone corps to take part in the torchlight parade. The scheme, however will be abandoned unless twenty men signify their willingness to join.

The foot-ball eleven of classes '90 and '92, Tufts, played the second game in the class series, on Friday, and '90 won by a score of 51 to 0. On Saturday the game between '89 and '90 resulted in a tie 0-0.

The following have been elected members of the Chess and Whist Club: From '90, Balch, P. K. Brown, Chamberlain, Cobb, Emmons, C. A. Lewis. Littell; from '91, Baker, Brackett, K. Brown, Perkins, Rogers, Valle.

The list of organizations which have applied for positions in the Republican torchlight parade is large, and rapidly increasing. The Depew battalion of Yale, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel W. Sawyer, will march, as well as four hundred men from the Institute of Technology, a delegation from Philips Exeter, and the Boston school regiment.

The Cambridge Republicans will have a rally and parade on Saturday evening. It is thought that 2,500 men will be in line. An invitation is extended to the Republicans in the University to take part in the procession, but on account of the meeting at Tremont Temple on Friday and the large Boston parade on Monday, the students will probably not have formal representation in line on Saturday.

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