We are glad to learn that last night the Lacrosse Association summoned up enough energy to hold a meeting in Holden Chapel. The lethargy shown by the association so far this fall might lead one to believe that the lacrosse interests of the college were dead. Harvard lost the championship last year, and from the present outlook bids fair to distinguish itself in the same way next spring. However, an important move was made in the election of a captain for the team. We hope that he will infuse a little more vigor into the team and make the men trying for the team begin practice at once. The Princeton team has been hard at work ever since the fall term began, and have even gone so far as to play two or three match games with strong amateur clubs. Unless our lacrosse players are anxious to compete next spring heavily handicapped, it behooves them to give up the lack-a-daisical spirit which they have hitherto shown and practice daily from now until Thanksgiving.
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