A meeting of the Lacrosse Association was held last night in Holden Chapel. In the absence of the officers from '88, Mr. L. B. Stedman, L. S., called the meeting to order. The secretary's report was next read by Mr. E. S. Griffing, '89. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: M. A. Kilvert, '89, president; Leon Griswold, '89, vice-president; F. Tudor, '91, secretary; E. S. Rawson, '90, manager. It was voted that the manager be empowered to appoint assistant managers, and Mr. S. L. Bigelow, '90, was recommended as one of the assistants. Mr. E. S. Griffing was elected captain by last year's team, and will consequently fill that position during the present year.
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