
Fact and Rumor.

The fall sports of Columbia will be held today.

Sixteen American colleges are now without presidents.

The Yale boat club has a balance of about $450 in its treasury,

Foundations for six large buildings for Stanford University, Cal., have been completed.

Cornell has tried the plan of having Monday for a holiday instead of Saturday, and it is considered a success.


There will be no recitation on Mondays in N. H. 8 unless previously announced.

In the tennis tournament at Andover on Thursday, Andover won the singles and Exeter the doubles.

Davis, '91, and Brown, '91, will represent Harvard at the Berkeley A. A. bicycle races at New York today.

The Banjo Club gives its first concert of the season on Nov. 6th for the support of Mrs. Shaw's Industrial School in Boston.

Lawrence Brooks who managed the '91 crew so ably last year has resigned and has turned over to the captain of the sophomore crew $5.55, as the surplus remaining after having paid all expenses.

Dr. Brooks' term of three weeks as University preacher begins Monday, but, as he will be unable to be present for four days, Dr. E. E. Hale will conduct the Chapel services until Friday morning.

Two trials have already been held, under the auspices of the 'Varsity Glee Club, for the purpose of selecting material for a freshman glee club. As enough good material has not yet shown up, a third trial will be held at no distant date.

The first in the series of class games of football at Tufts College was played Thursday afternoon between '89 and '91. The contest was marked by brilliant playing and was very close and exciting. Eighty-nine forced a safety in the first half and thus won by a score of 2 to 0.

A number of Yale students have attempted to register in order to vote in the presidential election, but none were allowed except those who could prove a year's residence in Connecticut and six months' residence in New Haven; also that they had no other home and supported themselves without assistance from any one.

The postponement of the republican torchlight parade to Nov. 5, was in order to give time to introduce some novel and unexpected features, and to complete the details of arrangement. The route will be determined in a day or two. Major F. G. King, of the 1st regiment, M. V. M., has accepted the position of first marshal.

Table 11 played a scrub game of football with table 56 yesterday morning on Jarvis. In an exciting contest of 40 minutes duration, table 11 scored 20 points by the superior playing of its backs, while its good rush line work prevented table 56 from scoring. Table 11 would like to arrange game with other scrub elevens.

Out of fifty football games in the last six years, Yale has won forty-nine with a total score of 2838 points to 47. The only game lost was played in 1885. The highest number of points scored in any one year by opponents is 14, in 1884; and thus far this season the score is 358 to nothing. The list of games includes four with Harvard and five with Princeton.
