
Hare and Hounds.

The second hare and hounds run was held yesterday afternoon and was successful in every respect. The hares were H. A. Davis, '91 and J. D. Gorham, '90. They left Matthews at 3.28. starting towards the north-west part of the observatory; thence to Belmont direct, turning here to the south through the Watertown Arsenal and across the Charles, then along the B. and A. track to Brighton and home via Allston, the bags being left at Barry's corner. The course was about ten miles long. Twenty hounds started, led by T. T. Seelye, L. S., but the number dwindled to ten at the break. The first hound in was Priest, '91, followed closely by Seelye, L. S. Priest was twenty-three minutes behind the hares.

The trail was all that could be desired and the hounds, except during the first ten minutes, had little difficulty in following it. There were many opportunities for long, steady trots. The weather was perfe tand the run, though a hard one, was much enjoyed by all. Cups will be given by the H. A. A. to the hares and the first hound.
