THE winners of the first or second places in the tennis tournament may obtain their prizes at Leavitt and Peirce's.
THERE will be a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association this evening at 6.45 in Lawrence Hall. All students are invited.
THE regular annual meeting of the Harvard Lacrosse Association will be held at 6.45 o'clock in Holden Chapel, on Friday evening, Oct. 26.
HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Those wishing to join may do so and get their shingles at 9 Little's Block, Thursday and Friday afternoons between two and four o'clock.
ALL who have not joined the Harvard Pennsylvania Club can do so by sending their names to A. W. W. Mulford, secretary, 41 Bowdoin street, Cambridge.
The Y. M. C. A. at Brown has decided to support a missionary in the Congo Valley, Africa. A member of the class of '89 has been chosen to go out next June.
PRESIDENTIAL CANVASS.- The vote is already large, but the committee desire to make it fuller if possible. If there are any who desire to vote, they may do so by sending or leaving their ballots at Hollis 9 before Thursday noon. Printed ballots may be got at Memorial, Leavitt and Peirce's, and the Law School. By order of committee.
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Class Game Today.