We would call the attention of the students to the fact that a blue book has been placed at Brine's two stores for the signatures of those who intend to march in the torchlight parade on November 1st. These books are to remain open only till tomorrow night and every one is urged to sign without delay in order that the requisite number of uniforms may be supplied. The matter should be attended to at once since every man who fails to sign runs the risk of having no uniform when the night of the parade comes.
Another blue book has been placed at Bartlett's in which those who wish to subseribe toward the music for the parade may enter their names. A small amount from each man who intends to march will make up a sum sufficient to engage a good band; and good music we ought by all means to have in order to make the demonstration a full success. Do not delay, therefore, but enter your names as soon as possible.
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