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Hefflefinger, the new right guard of the Yale eleven, has a brilliant record as an athlete. He is an excellent all-round baseball player, a most successful oarsman, and has made a good showing as a bicyclist. As a football player his experience has been limited, but he plays a strong, aggressive game, and will prove a valuable acquisition to the team. He is six feet, two inches in height, weighs two hundred pounds, and can run a hundred yards in remarkably good time, less than eleven seconds.

The class of '89 at Wellesley have elected the following officers: President, Miss M. L. Bean; vice-president, Miss A. Brewster; recording secretary, Miss E. James; corresponding secretary, Miss M. Banta; treasurer, Miss C. Drew; historians, Miss E. Gamble and Miss A. Libby; factotum, Miss J. Stone.
