The eleven plays Williams team today at Williamstown. The following men will compose the Harvard team: Cumnock, Longstreth, Dexter, Cranston, (centre,) Trafford, Davis, G. Harding; Dean, quarter-back; Wadsworth and Fitzhugh, half-backs; Sears, full-back. The train for Williamstown leaves the Fitchberg depot at 8.30 a. m.
V. Harding and Lee were on the field in costume yesterday, but they did not do anything more than pass the ball.
Porter played on the second eleven yesterday to give the first eleven better practice than they have been having.
Perry played in the rush line of the second eleven instead of in his usual place as half-back.
Finlay was injured in the knee yesterday while he was rushing with the ball. It is not yet known how serious his hurt may prove to be.
The freshmen will play the Roxbury Latin School team at Franklin Park this afternoon. The following men will constitute the team: Rushers, Curtis, Draper, Heard, Hunt, (centre), Travis, Newell, Wrenn; quarter-back, Neff; half-backs, Schoen and Brooks; full-back, Forbes.
The-CRIMSON will post the scores of the games at Leavitt's this evening.
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Ninety-Six Football Notice.