
M. Coquelin's Coming Cambridge Lecture.

The Conference Francaise with its accustomed enterprise has invited that greatest of all comedians, M. Coquelin, to deliver a public lecture in Sanders Theatre, Tuesday, October 30th at 4 p. m., the subject to be "L' Art du Comedien." Americans know M. Coquelin only as a great comedian, but in the Parisian world he figures as an able lecturer as well. At the Salle des Conferences on the Boulevard des Capucines his lectures are heard and appreciated by audiences accustomed to the discourses of such men as Francisque Sarcey and Henri de Lappommeraye. M. Coquelin is the type of a French gentleman in every sense of the word; an intelligent actor and a profound scholar. He is one of the leading Molieristes of his time, his criticism of Tartuffe being considered a remarkable piece of work. As M. Coquelin is a complete master of the subject he will speak upon, his lecture cannot fail to be of interest to all those desirous of knowing the art of the true comedian. In order to avoid a crowd only those having tickets will be admitted. Members of the university will please apply to Mr. S. A. Bayer, 39 Grays, who will be in every day from 4 until 6 p. m. beginning Wednesday, October 24. All others will please address Prof. Cohn, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. We publish below M. Coquelin's letter of acceptance:-

Cher Monsieur: Jen'ai pas eu une seconde a moi pour vous repondre, j'ai ete litteralement deborde depuis mon arrivee a New York. Je tiendrai done la parole donnee a Dieppe il y a deux ans. Vous me demandez une soiree. M. Abbey avec juste raison, ne peut accorder cela. Je prendrai l'heure de quatres heures. Quant au sujet, il a pu etre lu en partie dans le Harper's Magasine, mais une traduction n'est qu'une traduction, et je ne serais pas fache si on le comprend de faire entendre mon etude en francais. Pour le reste, cher monsieur, vous avez carte blanche et je m'en rapporte a vous sur tous les points. Je serai enchante de vous revoir, et vous serre affectueusement la main.

