
The Tariff Reform Meeting.

The Tariff Reform meeting was held last evening in Tremont Temple. The hall was closely packed; the audience consisting largely of ladies, Harvard graduates and students. At precisely eight o'clock the doors behind the stage opened, and amid deafening cheers the procession of speakers vice-presidents and executive committee marched on to the stage, the Cadet Band playing "Fair Harvard." It was some time before the applause subsided, and Mr. G. R. Nutter introduced the presiding officer, Colonel Charles R. Codman, who received an enthusiastic Harvard cheer. Colonel Codman said that in 1860 it was the young men who as Republicans came forward to save their country; now as young Democrats they come forward once more for their country's good. It is to free industry and to check monopoly that this step has been made. They know that Mr. Harrison has examined the Republican platform and finds that it agrees with his convictions. Rather than change it he will take the tax off whiskey and tobacco. The truth is that the Republicans intend to leave the present tariff as it is, or at least to reduce it as little as possible. They are trying to prove that the higher the taxes, the better off the people are. Colonel Codman then introduced Dr. William Everett. Dr. Everett said he should not go over the familiar old arguments. He had not come to answer the Republican claims that the greater the outlay the more a man can save; and that if the tariff is to be reduced, it should be reduced by the party who does not want to do it. It is the college men and the educated men who have studied the tariff theoretically; they are the best judges of tariff reform. Mr. Grimcke, as the representative of the colored Democrats said he supposed he was present to give color to the meeting. He spoke forcibly and convincingly in favor of the Democratic candidates and their principles, and said that it was to their hands that the colored people should entrust their welfare.

Mr. Josiah Quincy, the Democratic candidate for representative in the second Massachusetts district, said that the Republicans might be allowed the pleasure of having the Harvard students march in their torchlight procession. As long as the boys' hearts were true there was little need for the Democrats to fear. Mr. Quincy's speech was in condemnation of unjust taxation. Mr. G. S. Howe, '89, as the representative of the undergraduates, made an exceptionally fine address. It was a difficult position for an undergraduate, but Mr. Howe's speech could well bear comparison with those those of the elder men. He received well deserved applause.

Mr. Harvey N. Shepard, Mr. E. L. Smith, of the Law School and Mr. Sherman Hoar, made telling addresses. The meeting broke up shortly before eleven o'clock. On the whole the affair was a decided success and the tariff reform association may be well satisfied with the result.
