
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no lecture in N. H. 2 today.

The polls for the presidential ballot will close this evening.

Seniors who have not already receiveed their junior forensic will find it at Sever 3, this morning after 9.30.

The Lehigh Burr will conduct a canvass of the college on the presidential question next week.

Lehigh has a Cleveland and Thurman club with about 75 members, and a Harrison and Morton club with over 200 members.


Members of the graduate department who have filed diplomas previous to Oct. 18 are requested to call at the secretary's office and take them away.

The general drift of the voting thus far at Leavitt and Pierce's has been in favor of Harrison, but at Memorial Hall Cleveland has received the most ballots.

In our issue of yesterday the name of the cricket club was accidently omitted from the list of the organizations entitled to vote for the undergraduate members of the athletic committee.

The second symphony concert will be held this evening at Music Hall. The program is as follows:-

Ludwig von Beethoven. Symphony No. 4 in B flat: Allegro, Adagio, Scherzo; Finale.

Franz Liszt. "Gretchen" movement from the Faust symphony.

Moritz Moszkowsky. Suite for orchestra in F.

There are 164 entries in the New York Athletic Association games, to be held today, and representatives from Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth and University of Pennsylvania will contest.

The second trial for the '92 glee club took place last Thursday evening most thirty men were present. There will be another trial soon when a good opportunity will be offered to all who wish to get on.

The Cambridge High School defeated Noble's School in one of the interscholastic football games yesterday on Cambridge common by a score of 36 to 0. J. Crane, Harvard, '90 was umpire and Batchelder, '92, referee.

The committee on the bicycle road race is trying to find a good course that shall end at or near Harvard square, in order that the finish of the race-which is sure to be an exciting one-may more generally be seen by the students, than it could be at Mt. Auburn.

At a meeting of the Connecticut Club the following men were elected regular members from '92: R. P. Freeman, W. M. Weed, K. E. Rogers, S. A. Davis, A. M. Day, G. C. Chapman, H. L. Grant. Prof. C. N. Lanman, Mr. E. H. Babbitt, Mr. W. A. Setchell and Mr. A. Bard were elected honorary members.

The Yale sophomores on Thursday adorned the trees on the campus with posters, on which was printed the following notice: "Gentlemen of '92: We look upon you as men who will some day be useful to the university. In the meantime try to remember that there are other classas in the university beside your own, and try to realize that men who have been in college three years longer than you have a right to live. Of your goodness give us a little piece of the earth, and we shall be proportionately grateful." The freshmen in retaliation hoisted to the top of the highest derrick a white flag with '92 in blue.
