
Fact and Rumor.

The ballot for president of the United States will begin this morning.

There will be a cut in History 9 today.

There are already 17 entries to the bicycle club road race.

W. Myer has been elected steward of the athletic association from the junior class.

The date of the republican parade in Boston has been finally fixed for Thursday, November 1.


Butler, '88, and Bradlee, '88, were on Jarvis yesterday watching the eleven practice.

The freshman eleven will play the Worcester Technology team at Worcester, Saturday.

Wilder Bancroft, '88, end rush on last year's eleven, played left end rush on the second eleven yesterday afternoon.

The rowing men of the law school, are organizing a crew and intend to compete in the coming fall races.

The fall games of the University of Pennsylvania will be held next Saturday.

The entries for the meeting of the Yale Athletic Association, which will be held Saturday, number 137. Of these Yale has 74; Harvard, 17; New York Athletic Club, 36, and Staten Island Club 10.

The four leading female colleges in America are Wellesley with 620 students, Smith with 367, Vassar with 283, and Bryn Mawr with 79.

The following rooms are still open and can be had by applying to the Bursar: 18 Thayer, 11 College House, and 14 Divinity.

M. Coquelin, during his engagement at Boston, will deliver a lecture at Sanders Theatre under the auspices of the Conference Francaise.

Clark, '91, half-back on last year's freshman eleven, and Wadsworth, who was injured two weeks ago, played half-backs on the second eleven, yesterday. Porter and Fitzhugh were the half-backs on the first eleven.

The number of men in N. H. 4a is so great that it has become necessary to have an additional instructor in that course and Mr. Collier Cobb has been appointed to aid Mr. Harris.

The 2-mile bicyle race yesterday between Brown and Greenleaf was won by the former, who followed Greenleaf until the home stretch when he spurted and came in a length ahead. The next race will probably take place next Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.

The Cornell Era has started a popular fund to raise $2,000 for sending an eight-oared crew from Cornell University next June. Five hundred dollars has already been raised, most of which is from members of the faculty. It is said that there was never better material for a crew in the university than there is at present.

Messrs. G. C. and C. F. Adams, Harvard '86 and 88, owners of the fleet 40-foot sloop Babboon, are at present on a trip around the world. They will be gone from Boston about a year and the Babboon will, therefore, not go into commission next season until late, unless she is in the meantime purchased by some yachtsman, as her owners decided before their departure to dispose of her if possible.
