The second eleven went to Andover yesterday to play the Phillips Academy team. On account of the disagreeable weather it seemed impossible to play a game, but Captain Perry, after in specting the field, agreed to play a twenty-minutes half in order not to disappoint the Academy eleven.
Play began at 3.40 o'clock with Harvard at the south end of the field facing a driving rain. Harvard was in possession of the ball, but failed to advance it, and soon lost it to Andover. Sprague, for Andover, punted well, and the Phillips rushers, by quick work, soon secured the ball down in Harvard's territory. The university men regained it shortly afterwards on four downs, but immediately lost it by a bad fumble. Six minutes after play began, L. T. Bliss broke through the Harvard line, passed all the Harvard backs, and made the first touchdown for Andover. The try for a goal failed. Score: Andover, 4; Harvard, 0.
Harvard brought the ball out to the twenty-five yard line and passed to Perry, who was downed before he had made any substantial advance. Failing to advance the ball by rushing, Harvard was forced to kick the ball; it was well returned by Bliss and badly fumbled by Palmer, allowing Andover to secure it in Harvard's territory. The lost ground was soon regained by good work, but the ball was again lost to Andover by a fumble. C. A. Bliss ran around the end of the Harvard line and would have secured a touchdown had he not been well tackled by Palmer near Harvard's goal line. A minute later, at 4.57 o'clock, Onsley got through Harvard's line and secured Andover's second touchdown. The ball was punted out and well caught by Upton; Coxe succeeded in his try for a goal, making the score-Andover, 10; Harvard, 0. Before the ball had been put in play, time was called at four o'clock.
The condition of the field and the ball prevented any good work by either team. The rushing of the two Blisses was the most commendablo feature of the game. The teams were made up as follows:-
Harvard-Rushers, Hartridge, Long-streth, Tilton, Dexter, Howe, Blan-chard, Slocum; quarter-back, Crane; halfs, Allen, Perry; full-back, Palmer.
Andover-Rushers, Hunt, Mowry, Coxe, Speir, Upton, Townsend, Murchie; quarter-back, Onsley; halfs, C. A. Bliss, L. T. Bliss; full-back, Sprague.
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