The first hare and hounds run of the season was held yesterday afternoon. Owing to the disagreeable weather only twenty men started, fourteen of whom came in at the break. The hares were H. A. Davis, '91 and W. Wells, '90; the master of the hounds was E. Wright, L. S. The hares started off towards the east leaving a very difficult trail through back yards and over fences, then, turning to the north, back through Norton's woods, past Porter's Station, thence to Brighton past Mt. Auburn cemetery and home by way of Corey Hill and Brighton bridge, about nine miles in all. The hounds followed the trail as far as Brighton and there lost it. The break was made from Barry's Corners, Allston. The hares got back to the gymnasium at 4.48 followed eight minutes later by the first hound, J. D. Gorham, '90. The run was won by the hares as the hounds did not cover the whole course. It is probable that a protest will be made by the hounds on the ground that the trail was too poor to be followed easily.
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