
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no geological excursion in N. H. 8 this week.

There will be a cut in Fine Arts 3 today.

J. H. Bowen, '88, has entered business in Fall River.

There were eight crews on the river yesterday-five freshmen, two sophomore and one junior.

Hutchinson, Yale, '80, the famous pitcher, has signed with the Chicagos for next season.


The cadets of Annapolis are making preparations to form a football team this year.

During the progress of the inter-collegiate tennis tournament the dressing rooms used by the players were entered and money and jewelry amounting in value to $300 was stolen.

The field sports of Williams College Athletic Association took place on Saturday afternoon at Hoosac Valley Park in North Adams.

Two hundred and forty-one dollars was realized for the Princeton baseball treasury by the inter-class ball games, this fall.

G. L. Batchelder, '92, ran a half mile in 2.8 on Friday without effort. He won the half mile race at the inter-scholastic meeting at Soutboro last June.

A mass meeting of the students of Tufts College decided to discontinue intercollegiate football on account of the weak state of the team and lack of support. A series of class games has been arranged.

The Yale football eleven has received a new acquisition in the person of Harry Graves, '92, a brother of W. Graves, '91. He has been playing with the freshmen until a few days ago, when captain Corbin requested him to try for the 'Varsity eleven.

The Andover-Exeter tennis tournament which was to have occurred yesterday was postponed on account of rain, but will take place Saturday. Stearns is Andover's representative in the singles, instead of Anderson, as announced in yesterday's CRIMSON.

Union Hall, Cambridgeport, was more than crowded last evening by citizens of Boston and Cambridge, who came to hear the address of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge on the issures of the present political campaign. A large number of Harvard men were present who enthusiastically greeted the spreaker.

At the last meeting of the New England Meteorological Society, it was reported that the official organ, the Bulletin, was now published in co-operation with Harvard College. The important papers of the Bulletin will be hereafter reprinted in the Annals of the Observatory from stereotyped plates.

The freshman eleven defeated the Cambridge High School team yesterday by a score of 28 to 6. The teams were made up as follows: Harvard Freshmen.- Schoen, Newell, Putnam, Hunt (centre), Travis, Draper, Curtis; quarter-back, Neff; half-backs, Baker and Brooks; full-back, Forbes. Cambridge High School.- Whittemore, Malford, Wrenn, Rogers, (centre), Thayer, Moore, Foxe; quarter-back, Stevens; half-backs, Corbitt and Clark; full-backs, Whiteman.
