
Fact and Rumor.

The Worcester Academy eleven defeated St. Marks for the first time on Monday by a score of 12 to 2.

Already coaching parties and private car parties are being made up for viewing the football game at the New York Polo Grounds.

The freshmen of Columbia College, after gaining their rush, passed a resolution to abolish rushing, on account of the injury to one of their number.

Farquar, '91, coxswain of last year's freshman crew, is at present coaching both the sophomore and the freshman eights.

The first meeting of the Deutscher Verein this year will be held this evening in 16 Hollis. Papers will be read by C. A. Ewald, '88, R. Hoffman, '90, and B. T. Tilton, '90. The subject of the papers will have some general connection with German politics.


The senior class at Williams elected officers as follows: President, W. O. Sidley; orator, R. M. Blackburn; poet, E. S. Merrill.

The Columbia College fall games take place October 19th and 20th. It is expected that they will prove unusually interesting.

The freshman second eleven played the Roxbury Latin School at Roxbury yesterday afternoon and were defeated by a score of sixteen to twelve.

The freshman eleven will play the Cambridge High School team this afternoon on Jarvis. The team will consist of the following men: rushers, Schoen, Newell, Putnam, Hunt (centre), Travis, Draper, Allen; quarter-back, Neff; halfbacks, Baker and Brooks; full-back, Forbes. Substitutes, Berry, Preston, Bates, Wrenn.

The annual fall tennis tournament between Phillips Exeter and Phillips Andover Academies will be held this afternoon at Andover. Anderson will represent Andover in the singles, while Harrison in the singles and Harrison and Soule in the doubles will represent Exeter. A. H. Lockett, '92, will referee the tournament.

In accordance with a long-felt desire for a more extended record of Wellesley events, the Wellesley Courant has decided to publish one issue a week exclusively devted, save for advertisements, to Wellesley College. Miss Louise B. Swift, '90 and Miss Alice A. Stevens, '91, have been chosen editors. Beside reports from the various departments and clubs of the college, a leading feature of the Courant will be the literary articles which will appear from time to time. It is expected that not only the students, by continued efforts, but also the alumni and professors by occasional articles, will contribute to the success of the paper. The students of Wellesley are certainly to be congratulated upon their enterprise in this new direction.
