
Yale Notes.

Great political enthusiasm is manifested this fall at Yale. Democratic, Republican and Prohibition clubs have been formed and each of these has organized a batallon. The greatest interest at present centres in the Democratic club. Its membership has increased more than eighty per cent over that of the last campaign. The battalion, under the name of the "Sumner Guards," contains about two hundred men.

The preliminary catalogue appeared last week, and on its lists were enrolled three hundred and twenty-six freshmen, two hundred and five in the academic and one hundred and twenty-one in the scientific department. The number in the freshman class at the Sheffield Scientific School is an increase of fifteen per cent. over any previous class in that department of the University. More than sixty men have entered the law school this fall making this the largest class on the records of the school. Following the example set by the other parts of the University the medical school has entered a class twice as large as that of last year.

By a recent change in the college calender the Christmas recess has been extended to nineteen days. This change will be especially appreciated by the glee and banjo, clubs inasmuch as it will allow them considerably to extend their western trip. They will give concerts at Cleveland, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Colorado Springs, Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis.

The Chamberlin Greek prize was divided this year between B. M. Allen, of Waltham, and E. F. Snydacker, of Chicago.

The fall games of the Yale athletic association will occur on the 20th. Several events at this meeting will be open to all amateurs, and a large number of entries has been already received from several of New York's best athletic clubs. Gold and silver medals will be awarded in every contest.

