CLUB TABLE at McKay House, 24 Arrow Street. o9 1w
THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to let at 69 Brattle street. o16 1m
A LIMITED number of table boarders wanted at 715 Cambridge St. GOOD BOARD GUARANTEED. Terms $5.50 per week. Also two furnished rooms to let. Terms moderate. oct11-1w
WHITAKER AND CO., 43 Conduit street, London. Mr. Wallace Jones has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston. Appointments by letter at Harvard until 17th inst.; after that date at the hotel. o15 1w
SPARRING LESSONS.- Edw. J. Ferris has opened his sparring rooms in Brewer's Block, Brattle St., cor. of Palmer. Hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. o9-1m
12 STORY ST.- A general table open at $6 a week. Two dining rooms for clubs. A front alcove room to let. o11 w
UPRIGHT PIANOS for sale or to rent to students at the New Music Store, 3 Harvard Row. oct.2 3w
HIGHEST PRICES PAID for cast off clothing. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gents' Clothing. Call or send postal to 465 Main St, Cambridgeport.
WILLIAM H. BROWN.oct16 eod
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