
Rules for Hare and Hounds Runs Adopted by the H. A. A.

1. The hunts of this club shall be known as the "fast hunt" and the "slow hunt."

2. In the "fast hunt" the scent shall be laid from the start, and each hound shall be permitted to go at his own pace.

3. In a "slow hunt" the entire pack shall be kept together from start to "break." (See 5.)

4. In a "fast hunt" the hares shall be allowed a start of from five to twenty minutes; in a "slow hunt" from five to ten minutes. The relative ability of both hares and hounds is to be considered in both instances.

5. In a "slow hunt" the pack shall be under the direction of the master of the hunt, who shall also act as pacemaker. During the chase, each member of the pack must keep within calling distance of the master until the latter shall give the signal for the "break"; they may then run as they please to the appointed place of finish.


6. Any member of the pack refusing obedience to the master in the discharge of his duties renders himself ineligible for a prize

7. The master shall be appointed by the Harvard Athletic Association before each meeting. He shall, if he sees fit, appoint no more than two assistants, to be called first and second "whips" respectively. He shall carry a whistle or a horn, and in a "slow hunt" shall control the action of the pack by the following signals: by blowing once to stop, and twice to go on.

8. It shall be the duty of the whips to keep the pack together, and, when called upon by the master to act temporarily as pacemaker, to do so.

9. The hares shall carry paper cut in pieces about two inches square, in bags, sufficient to last the length of the run, and in both "fast" and "slow" hunts shall lay a plain trail from start to finish, changes of direction being plainly shown in every case. If the scent is voted unsatisfactory by three-quarters of the hounds, the H. A. A. reserves the right to withdraw the prizes. Complaints must be made by petition within two days after the hunt.

10. In both "fast" and "slow" hunts, the hares shall have selected their course beforehand, and, during the run, must at all times keep together.

11. The pack shall follow scent, and are not allowed to leave it and cut off ground at any time.

12. In case of water, any member of the pack may go round, but must take up the scent on the opposite bank.

13. In case the scent gives out, the hares shall drop the bags and make for home by the shortest route. On finding the bags the hounds may make for home as they please in a "fast" hunt; in a "slow" hunt they shall wait the word from the master to "break." In a "slow" hunt, if, for any reason, the bags cannot be found, the signal to "break" may be given by the master, with the consent of a majority of the pack.

14. The hares shall be two in number, and shall be appointed by the H. A. A., the choice being based upon merit in previous runs.

15. No one taking part in the hunt shall be eligible for a prize unless (1) he be a member of the H. A. A., and (2) he has duly entered his name in the entry book beforehand.

16. Should the hares reach home ahead of the hounds by a greater amount of time than that agreed upon at the start, they shall receive prizes, and the first hound in shall also receive a prize; should the difference of time be less than that agreed upon at the start, the first two hounds shall receive prizes; or any hound catching a hare shall receive a prize.

17. Catching shall consist of touching.
