
Fact and Rumor.

There will be an important business meeting of the CRIMSON at 1.30 today.

H. A. Davis, '91, has been elected secretary of the CRIMSON board, vice C. B. Hurst, '91, resigned.

There will be no lecture in N. H. 4 on Friday next, the only lecture this week being on Wednesday.

It is stated that the great von Rankin library, which was recently presented to Syracuse University, is but very little used by the undergraduates.

Ex-captain Beecher, of Yale, prophesies that the Harvard-Yale game this fall will be more evenly contested than the one last year.


The editor of the catalogue this year will be Mr. W. W. Nolen, instead of Mr. W. C. Lane, who has hitherto had charge of its preparation.

Mr. F. L. Washburne, formerly assistant professor at Ann Arbor University, has accepted a position at the Agassiz Museum. He graduated from Harvard in the class of '82.

Professor Bocher is at present at La Part Dieu, Switzerland. His son, Maxime Bocher, who has been travelling in Germany this summer, is now studying at Gottingten.

The Glee Club has received invitations to sing in Newton, Peabody, and Saco, and also at the Kirmess at Williams' Hall in Boston. It is not probable that all these invitations will be accepted.

The following have been elected to the Art Club: Manley, Weld, and G. H. Norman from '89; Wheeler, Matthews and Hunnewell from '90; Longstreth, Clark, Crosby and Burnett from '91.

William L. Condon, of the New York Athletic Club, beat the world's record (his own) throwing a 16-pound hammer with one hand at Elkton, Md., recently. His distance was 119ft., 9in., beating his previous record by 1ft., 11 1-2 in.

The president of the University of Southern California has written to Mr. A. Clark of Cambridgeport for information as to a 40-inch telescope, and intimating that an order would be given for one of that size.

A team of native New Zealand, or Maori, football players is creating quite a sensation in English sporting circles. They come to England with considerable experience and a good record. They play about forty matches, meeting the principal Rugby teams of England.

Augustus A. Crane, a recent graduate of Yale, sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu as a missionary, on Sept. 11. His station will be on the island of Mavi, ninety miles from Honolulu, between which two points there are excellent facilities for intercommunication both sailing and steam.

The freshman class of Amherst has elected the following permanent officers: President, W. S. Cross; vice-president, W. C. Smalley; secretary, W. F. McLelland; treasurer, A. G. Moody; senator, C. E. Hildreth; football manager, J. K. Kollock; football captain, W. E. Bahcock. The class colors are bottle green and mahogany.
