
Boat-House Notes.

C. W. Hart who had charge of the boat-house last year, will probably have charge of it again this year.

F. By. Williams, '88, has bought T. Q. Browne's single scull.

C. H. Hyams, Jr., has been appointed manager of the freshman crew and is ready to receive subscriptions from all members of the freshmen class.

The candidates for the sophomore crew appeared on the water yesterday. There is an exceptionally large number trying. Among those who have never rowed before are, Lawrence, Goldthwaith, Wilkinson, Stead, Everett, Bass, Barlow, Embick, Weld, R. B. Hale, Clarke, Burnett, Nichols, Rogers, Richardson and Blanchard.

Arrangements are being made for a scratch race, to take place soon, between picked crews from the sophomore and freshman classes.


Watriss, '92, who is at present stroking his class crew, was recently badly burned by a gas explosion.

The freshman crew is working hard from 3 to 6 o'clock daily. They are making rapid progress and are far ahead of all former freshman crews at this time in the year.
