
Newton High School, 22; Harvard, 0.

The freshmen eleven played its first game Saturday afternoon with the team from the Newton High School, and were defeated by a score of 22-0. Ten points were scored in the first half and twelve in the second. Two goals were kicked by Garrison from the four touchdowns made by the Newton team. The touchdowns were made as follows: Peters (2), Garrison (1), Whetmore (1). The freshmen made one safety. The game was refereed by Mr. Johnson; Mr. Gale was the umpire. The teams were made up as follows:-

Newton High School-Brackett, Cutler, Leeming, Bockers (centre), J. Linder, Decory, Whetmore; Crosby, quarter-back; Peters and G. Snider, half-back; Garrison, full-back.

Harvard Freshmen-Allen, Newell, Berry, Freeman (center), Travis, Putnam, Brooks; Neff, quarter-back; Poore and Baker, half-backs; Carpenter, full-back.
