

WANTED.- Some one to read aloud, about two hours every evening. Address F. and R., care of CRIMSON, Lyceum Building.

SEASON TICKETS for the football games can be obtained at Leavitt and Pierce's. Those who have paid their subscriptions can have their tickets on application at the gate this afternoon.

B. C. WELD.THERE will be a hare and hound run on Wednesday, Oct. 17, starting from the gymnasium at 3 p. m. Those who wish to run sign the book at Bartlett's.

JACOB WENDELL, JR., Secretary H. A. A.THE following men will be at gymnasium promptly at 2, to take the barge for Newtonville: Carpenter, Poore, Baker, Neff, Putnam, Travis, Freeman, Berry, Newell, Allen, Ingalls, Preston, Draper.

M. F. BROOKS, Captain.THE following men will be in the gymnasium, dressed, ready to play Technology, at 2.30 p. m.: Davis, Van Shaick, Perry, Dexter, Tilton, Hunnewell, Cumnock, Dean, Finlay, Fitzhugh, Carpenter, Lee, G. Harding, Trafford.


FINE ARTS 3.- Professor Norton requests that every one who takes Fine Arts 3 as an extra will give up any seat which has been already assigned and sit for the time being in the chairs along the sides and back of the lecture room. Men sitting where cards are made out with their names will please remember to mark upon them their attendance.

NOTICE.- Will the following men please be at 16 Holyoke House tonight, Saturday, at 7: Randol, Perkins, G. B. Wintrop, Wodworth, M. Williams, Longworth, Bangs, Nichols, Blanchard, Goldthwaite, R. Hale, F. B. Winthrop, H. R. Bishop, Bass, Clark, Burnett, Osgood, O. Everett, Embick, and others who wish to try for the sophomore crew.
