SUBSCRIPTIONS to the CRIMSON will be received at Leavitt and Peirce's and at Amee's. The price is $3.50, payable strictly in advance.
THERE will be no practice for the first or second elevens today.
J. H. SEARS.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal today in Robert's Hall at 4.30 p. m. Please bring "Songs of Harvard."
F. W. Gay, Secretary.NOTICE.- All men wishing to try for the sophomore crew will please call at 16 Holyoke House between 11 and 1 today, (Friday), or 11 and 1 Monday.
E. C. HAMMOND, Capt, pro tem.SHOOTING CLUB.- Field meeting this afternoon at club grounds at Watertown. Cars leave Harvard Square at every hour and half hour. Take 1.30 car if possible. Twelve-bore cartridges can be bought at Brooks'.
HARVARD CRICKET CLUB.- The following men will please be at Bartlett's at eleven o'clock sharp on Saturday, to leave for match at Longwood: Ellis, Bohlen, Carpenter, Balch, Longstreth, Sullivan, Frost, Quimby, Keyes, Garrett.
R. D. BROWN, Capt.
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Anticipatory Examinations.