A communication appears in another column advocating a renewal of table games of football. The excellence of the idea precludes the necessity of an appeal for its adoption. Only one objection can be raised, and this is satisfactorily answered by the communication. The games, if played at any time in the day before three o'clock, would in no way interfere with the practice of either the 'varsity or the freshman eleven. The advantages of such play, on the other hand, are quite apparent. By it some excellent latent material is almost sure to be brought out. The plan will, also, keep active the interest in football as a sport in itself, and will thus promote the interests of the 'varsity eleven. To those who have participated in table matches, an agitation of the subject cannot but be welcome. The rest of the students must learn by experience the pleasures and advantages of these table matches. There is certainly no need that any should draw back and await the action of others.
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