
Special Notices.

Notices, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, or $2.00 a week. For over five lines, the rates are doubled. Short "Lost" and "Found" notices, if inserted once, free; every additional insertion 50 cents. Al

CLUB TABLE at McKay House, 24 Arrow Street. o9 1w

UPRIGHT PIANOS for sale or to rent to students at the New Music Store, 3 Harvard Row. oct.2 3w

Shorthand and Typewriting classes are now forming in the immediate vicinity of Harvard college. For information address Prof. M. W. Wood-ward, 22 School street, Boston, Mass. 1

A LIMITED number of table boarders wanted at 715 Cambridge St. GOOD BOARD GUARANTEED. Terms $5.50 per week. Also two furnished rooms to let. Terms moderate. oct3-1w
