

SUBSCRIPTIONS to the CRIMSON will be received at Leavitt and Peirce's and at Amee's. The price is $3.50, payable strictly in advance.

ALL men who wish to try for the football before, are asked to be on the field at 4 o'clock sharp today.

J. H. SEARS.HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 in Holyoke 31, and every Monday and Thursday at same time and place till further notice.

HARVARD CRICKET CLUB.- Anyone wishing to join the club may do so this evening at Thayer 30 from 7.30 until 9.

T. W. BALCH, SecretaryMEETING of marshals of torchlight procession at 1.30 p. m. today in 8 Little's. Every marshal should be present.


HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- NOTICE. "Smoker" advertised for Thursday night postponed till next Tuesday night.

R. S. BALDWIN.Y. M. C. A. meeting this evening at 6.45 in the east wing of Lawrence Hall.

LOST.- Silver headed cane. Initials H. U. B. Reward if returned to 14 Weld.
