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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- A case of unpardonable discourtesy on the part of a freshman has just come to my notice, which deserves, I think, the severest condemnation of every one.

A ninety-one special, who was assigned to a club table in Memorial Hall to fill a vacancy left by the withdrawal of one of its members, was recently asked to change his seat to some other table in order to make room for a friend of those who made up the club table. Without assigning any reason for his refusal except that he did not care to be obliging, the fellow flatly denied the profile request of the members of the table.

It seems hardly possible that any one who has been in Harvard College three months should show so little the effect of its reforming influence as to feel no shame at such a display of native boorishness. I sincerely hope the Board of Directors will exert their authority and compel the fellow to move whether he is willing or not.
