
College Rooms.

A careful look at the catalogues of the last two years will show the number of men in each class occupying rooms in the college buildings this year as compared to the number of last year. The number of undergraduates holding rooms this year is 499 while last year it was 531. These figures do not include rooms held by specials. Twenty specials occupied college rooms last year to 42 this year. In the graduate departments there has been a gain, 115 men in college rooms this year to 87 last year. By the following statistics one can see where the gains and loses have occurred. In 1886-7 the numbers were as follows: Seniors, 175; juniors, 148; sophomores, 116; freshmen, 92; special students, 20; Divinity School, 15; law school, 47; scientific, 7; graduates, 18. This pears the numbers are: Seniors, 146; juniors. 122; sophomore, 134; freshmen, 97; specials, 42; Divinity School, 11; law school, 73; graduates, 21 and scientific school, 10. The total number being in 1886-7 638 and in 1887-8 being 656 a gain of 18.
