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That the gymnasium is in many ways the best equipped of any college gymnasium in this country, may be true enough, but like the best of everything, there is plenty of room for improvement. Harvard is not a whit behind the age in this respect. The shower-baths, which are of greater necessity and utility than any other thing connected with the gymnasium, are either very badly managed or else there is a flaw in the construction of the pipes bringing in the hot and cold water supply. Every day it takes ten or fifteen minutes to regulate the temperature of the water so as to make it bearable, either the hot water will flow and the cold will not or vice versa. In meantime the bath-room is becoming packed with a crowd of human beings who are naturally anxious to make use of the shower-bath, but find so many men ahead of them that they are forced to wait a long time, in course of which the same old trouble in regulating the temperature of the water is undergone. The gymnasium authorities should look into this matter and find out the cause of all this trouble and annoyance. The gymnasium is becoming more popular than ever but unless the above evil is remedied one of the strongest objections to its use will be the lack of proper bathing facilities. By all means, let us not be deprived of them.
