
Review of University Catalogue.

The large increase in the number of students seeking an education at some one of the various schools connected with the University, and the additions to the scholarship fund for indigent students arising from the Greenleaf bequest, are the chief points to be noticed in the new Harvard Catalogue. That Harvard University is becoming more and more a veritable centre of learning, is easily seen when the number of students connected with the institution during the college years of 1886-87 and 1887-88 are compared, showing an attendance during the former year of 1688 to 1812 for the present year, a gain of 124. The attendance in the academic department of the University shows an increase from 1077 to 1138 registered students. The present freshman class numbers 295, the largest which has yet entered-and the number of special students has jumped from 96 last year to the gratifying figure of 141. The figures from the law school are also encouraging, showing an enrollment of 215, a gain of 35 over last year's registration. The medical school is the only one of any importance which shows a falling off and there the attendance has diminished from 271 to 263. The graduate department has gained 26 students, making the total number 96, and the alumni and friends of Harvard have reason to feel proud of the constantly augmenting number of men who come from the smaller colleges to take a post-graduate course here.

The college authorities, in order to keep up with the increased number of students, have enlarged the corps of instructors by two, swelling the total of those occupied in teaching here to the creditable figure of 181. The present year gives every indication of being one of the most prosperous in every way that the University has seen, and the day is not far distant when the catalogue will show an enrollment of over two thousand students. The Price Greenleaf bequest to the college appropriates $12.000 annually to be distributed in scholarships ranging in sums from $150 to $250 a year; and unlike the ordinary college scholarships, will be given not only to students who have already proved their merit in the college, but also to freshmen, or persons who have been admitted to advanced standing either with or without examination. Owing to the increased amount of material essential to a fully detailed report of all the affairs connected with the University, the present catalogue is considerably larger than that of a year ago.
